Tuesday 3 June 2014

Health Benefits of Exercise and Physical Activity For Children

You always hear about encouraging your children to play. The media your child watches ironically tells you this as they wait for their shows to come on, there are plenty of campaigns to hammer this message in, and older folk always complain about how no one goes outside. They have a point, actually. Technology, while useful, has distracted our youth from some of the simpler pleasures, including physical activity. This may be seen as something you can brush off, as it’s just another way for your child to be entertained, but the health benefits of exercise and physical activity are something that your child needs. In this article, those will be discussed.

Exercising can help your child to be energetic. It seems like it would be the opposite, as you’re using up stamina, but if your child has plenty of time to exercise, they’ll be more active during the day. The body is like a machine, and if it doesn’t run for long, it won’t start up. So make sure your child is exercising before they fall asleep in class.

Playtime can also help to increase brain activity as well. Doing this has lots of benefits. For one, it can help reduce negative emotions. Stress, anxiety, depression, and general feelings that make kids glum can be relieved without the need of sketchy drugs and other unconventional ways of getting rid of your child’s mood. Also, it can also make your kid more intelligent as well. If you want your child to do better, playtime is a must.

Getting out can also help to reduce the risk of heart diseases and certain cancers. A child getting those at that age is extremely rare, but think about the road ahead. If you have relatives who have died from these diseases at a young age, your child needs to be in tip top shape so they can avoid getting those as well. Exercising can prevent your child from dying at a young age. It also helps to live longer as well.

Finally, working out can strengthen your child’s balance and their bones. As your child is still growing, their bones may be brittle and not being able to withstand falls. Thankfully, exercising can help to prevent that by strengthening their bones so they can take falls easier, as well as keeping their balance so they won’t fall in the first place. Don’t allow them to break their bones on your watch.

Overall, there are plenty of health benefits of exercise and physical activity that should motivate you to get your kid playing outside for an hour or so a day. By doing this, your child can have a happy and healthy future. There are other ways to make sure that your child is healthy as well, such as nutrition. Encompass Nutrients can help you by giving you the rundown on a few of the many supplements you can give to your child.

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